Reconciling agriculture with the environment
Organisms, whether animal or plant, depend on microorganisms to feed themselves, transform food into nutrients and maintain their equilibrium. In humans, these microbiota play a key role in digestion, health and certain diseases. Similarly, plants rely on a microbiota to transform organic matter into nutrients that are essential to their growth and health.
For over a century, agriculture has focused on increasing yields through mechanisation, varietal selection, and intensive use of fertilisers and chemicals. Although this strategy has made it possible to achieve high production targets, it has also led to a profound disconnect between farming practices and natural ecosystems. The consequences are significant: major environmental impacts, economic dependence, and growing social mistrust, prompting authorities to strengthen regulations.
BioIntrant offers a solution: reconnecting crops to their natural environment. By following current farming practices but reducing the use of chemical inputs, BioIntrant offers more sustainable agriculture that respects ecosystems.

Our Activity:
Revealing the power of soils
BioIntrant is a company specializing in the development of solutions to improve plant health and revitalise agricultural soils.
Our solutions include biostimulation products to address issues such as water stress or plant nutrition, biocontrol to combat certain pests and a biodiversity diagnostic tool to activate key soil functions locally.
BioIntrant is based in Meyreuil (France) and integrates within its team more than thirty years of expertise in the following areas of expertise:

Microbiology laboratory for isolation, identification of new strains, in vitro and in planta efficacy screening.
Molecular biology

Molecular biology laboratory, DNA extraction, whole genome, metabarcoding, Nanopore sequencing, specific primer design and PCR.

Assembly and annotation, development of analysis tools, development of artificial intelligence, metagenomic analysis, in silico screening.


Flexible upstream and downstream production unit capable of producing 30 L of fermentate per week. Optimisation of liquid fermentation culture processes.

Our activity

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